Stay in the loop on all the latest insights, news and
happenings at the port.

Port Houston Receives Nearly $80 Million INFRA Grant
This June Port Houston was awarded $79,472,000 from the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) program toward our efforts to restore and improve wharf and yard space at our Barbours Cut Container Terminal. This was the full amount requested for Port Houston's total $198 million project, and possibly the largest amount ever awarded by INFRA to a port.

Port Houston Launches Community Grants Program
We’re committed to investing in our local community and now we’ve established a new grants program that offers the opportunity for organizations to apply for funding. We’re particularly interested in programs or services that align with our current outreach priorities, like environmental stewardship, community improvements, economic and workforce development, and maritime commerce.



Doing Business With Port Houston
Are you interested in learning how to do business with the port? Want to hear more about our procurement process? Attend Port Houston’s small business webinar on Thursday, July 16 at 10 a.m. and get more information about Doing Business With The Port. Port Houston hosts webinars on a variety of topics on the Third Thursday of every month.


New Electric Vehicles
Port Houston has acquired five electric vehicles. These were funded in part by emissions reduction incentives provided by the Houston-Galveston Area Council and will be used as pool vehicles for staff. This addition to our fleet demonstrates Port Houston’s commitment to being responsible stewards of the environment, which is part of our strategic plan.

New Port Commission Community Advisory Council (PCCAC) Established
This 14-member group was created to better engage community stakeholders who have a vested interest in Port Houston. Members were appointed by the Port Houston Commission and Leadership, and this diverse group represents different communities along the Houston Ship Channel and various special interest groups.

