Becoming a Member

Katy Area Economic Development Council invites you to become a member! Join us today in our efforts to advocate the Greater Katy Area’s competitiveness and to accelerate the region as a prominent location for commerce. 

Ways to Invest in the Greater Katy Area

BenefitBoard of Governors • $15,000Strategic Partners • $5,000Associate & Small Minority & Women's Businesses (more than 10 employees) • $1,250Non-Profit/Church & Small Minority & Women's Businesses (less than 10 employees) • $750


Provide support to strategic plan to create sustainable jobs and capital investment to help lower the unemployment rate
Opportunity to sponsor EDC events and programs
Economic impact analysis for your company or development for $100
For residential realtors, post up to three residential properties on website
Commercial realtors get properties featured on website
Free demographic reports and job postings
Company information on website membership directory-and other EDC directories
Economic impact analysis for your company or development for free  
Logo recognition in selected Katy Area EDC marketing materials  
Construction-related members will be a part of our Build to Suit RFP list and will have the opportunity to submit proposals on projects  
Economic impact analysis for your company or development for free   


Receive updates on prospective development activities
Katy Area Development Map (1) and discounted additional copies
Access to members only website and directory
Access to information from Board of Governors (BOG) meetings  
Inclusion on selected Katy Area EDC promotional materials  
Katy Area Development Map (2) and discounted additional copies  
Inclusion on Katy Area EDC letterhead   
Katy Area Development Map (4) and discounted additional copies   


Networking opportunities & economic development info at General Assembly meetings and other scheduled events
Participate in members-only events
Two guests (2) can attend each GA meetings or other events
Attend two (2) Board of Governors meetings  
Exclusive invitation to special events/project announcements  
Use of Katy Area EDC conference room for meetings  
Priority presentation access at GA meetings  
Attend Board of Governor’s Annual Review Luncheon at no cost  
Four guests can attend GA Meetings or other events  
Participate and network in BOG meetings and events   
Annual recognition at GA meeting with logo in presentation   
Six guests can attend GA Meetings or other events   


Serve on Katy Area Districts Council (MUDs, ESDs, and Special Purpose Districts and related service providers)
Serve on some Katy Area EDC Committees and Task Forces
Seat on Board of Governors (BOG) with voting privileges and attend all  
Opportunity to influence decision making on action items/policies about economic development and the future of the area   
Exclusive information on economic development projects/updates on prospect and project activities   

Become a Member Today!

Katy Area EDC Membership Application