Katy Area EDC September GA focuses on diversity, upcoming Fort Bend County bond proposals

22 Sep 2020
September 22, 2020 - On Tuesday, September 15, Katy Area Economic Development Council hosted its monthly General Assembly meeting. The event, which took place virtually, was headlined by presentations from Katy Area EDC Diversity Committee Chair Karla Hernandez DeCuir, Fort Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers and Capital Real Estate.
Decuir, Senior Director of Enrollment Management & External Affairs at UHV Katy, leads the Katy Area EDC Diversity Committee. During her presentation, she noted the importance of diversity and the role which Katy Area EDC can play in promoting opportunities to the Katy area business community. She further explained a primary objective of the Diversity Committee is to assist companies to become Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Certified with an aim to grow the number of companies which are HUB Certified within the Katy area; and, connect companies to procurement organizations, companies and resources through the Katy Area Business Opportunity Center. The Katy Area Business Opportunity Center is home to a host of resources for businesses including procurement resources and opportunities in the private and public sectors.
Looking ahead, the Diversity Committee will be offering monthly webinars as well as conducting a Minority Owned Business and Procurement Survey. Businesses are encouraged to monitor the Katy Area EDC website, katyedc.org, for the latest information. Should you be interested in learning more about the committee and resources offered, please email info@katyedc.org. Katy Area EDC membership is not required to take part in the committee or utilize the resources.
Fort Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers discussed the upcoming mobility and parks bond proposals which will be on the Tuesday, November 3 ballot. The mobility bond proposal totals $218 million with the parks proposal totaling $38 million. Each proposal will be on the ballot separately. A highlight of the mobility proposal includes installation of a county-wide emergency notification system. According to the county project proposal overview, installation will expand wireless traffic signal communication and flood monitoring systems utilizing high site communication network. A full overview of proposed projects can be found on the county website.
Representatives from Capital Real Estate discussed Grand Parkway Industrial. The industrial park is strategically located along Grand Parkway just north of I-10. Construction is currently underway on a 20,000 square-foot spec building at the park. The building will be a crane ready warehouse. Should you have questions about the property, please contact Hart Schleicher 713-907-3570 or Richard Rolland 281-932-9414.
Truist Bank was introduced as a new member at the meeting at the Strategic Partner level. Several Associate members were also recognized for renewal including Energy Recovery, Fort Bend County MUD 124, Mission Companies, PetroSkills, Powers Brown Architecture and Smart Financial.
For more information on Katy Area EDC and membership opportunities, please visit katyedc.org.
Lance LaCour
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