Repairing Clay, Porter roads; widening Peek, Gaston roads: 4 Katy-area transportation updates to know November 2019
13 Nov 2019
By: Jem Para - Community Impact
Completed projects
Traffic signal installation
Harris County installed a new traffic signal system at the intersection of Morton Ranch and Porter roads. The system was activated in early November, Harris County engineer Jennifer Almonte said.
Timeline: August-November
Cost: $310,000
Funding source: Harris County
Ongoing projects
Gaston Road widening
All lanes of Gaston Road between Greenbusch Road and Katy Flewellen Road are expected to be open to the public by Thanksgiving, said Ike Akinwande, Fort Bend County assistant engineer. The county has been working on widening the street into a four-lane, divided concrete road with underground stormwater drainage since last summer. Remaining work includes 1,600 feet of paving and curb installation as well as installing a few drainage structure driveways.
Timeline: July 2018-November 2019
Cost: $6.8 million
Funding source: Fort Bend County
Peek Road widening
Work continues on Phase 1 to widen Peek Road between 600 feet north of Clay Road to 300 feet north of Grand Ventana Drive into a four-lane concrete boulevard, Almonte said. Crews have completed the northbound lanes, driveways and cross-street tie-in. They are preparing for a traffic switch to move traffic from old and temporary asphalt roads to the new concrete lanes so that work can start on southbound lanes. Additionally, crews will soon begin work on underground leads that take stormwater from the west side of the road to the storm sewer system on the east side. Construction on Phase 2 of Porter Road, between 300 feet north of Grand Ventana to north of Stockdick School Road, will be bid in 2020.
Timelines: Phase 1: April 2019-fourth quarter 2019; Phase 2: TBD
Cost: Phase 1: $4.4 million; Phase 2: $3 million
Funding source: Harris County
Repairing Clay, Porter roads
Harris County began repairing Clay Road, between Peek and North Fry roads, and Porter Road, between Morton Ranch and Stockdick School roads, on Oct. 14, Almonte said. The project entails removing and replacing road base, removing part of the surface pavement, overlaying the road with new surface material and re-striping. Crews have completed base repair on Porter Road south of Clay Road and are working on base repair north of Clay Road. They will next work on installing new surface material.
Timeline: October 2019-second quarter 2020
Cost: $4.3 million
Funding source: Harris County
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