As a Katy Area EDC member, enjoy an array of benefits!

23 Mar 2023
Associates and Small Minority & Women’s Businesses enjoy an array of benefits as members of Katy Area EDC. The mission of the Katy Area EDC is to lead the economic development efforts of the Katy Area to recruit, retain, and expand new high-quality, high-impact companies, jobs, and talent to improve the quality of life and place for Katy Area residents.
Associates, Small Minority & Women’s Businesses - Join Katy Area EDC as a member and enjoy unique benefits!
There are various membership levels at Katy Area EDC, each with paramount advantages. For Associates, Small Minorities & Women’s Businesses levels, there are many benefits. Members can provide support to the area's strategic plan, to create sustainable jobs and capital investment to help lower the unemployment rate. They can receive networking opportunities and economic development information at General Assembly (GA) meetings and other scheduled meetings and events, and serve on some Katy Area EDC Committees and Task Forces. Members can also serve on Katy Area Districts Council (MUDs, ESDs, and Special Purpose Districts and related service providers), and participate in members-only events while receiving updates on prospective development activities. Click here to learn more about all of the benefits of becoming a member of the Katy Area EDC!
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