Governor Abbott Proclaims 2022 Small Business Week In Texas
4 May 2022
Release provided by Office of the Governor
Governor Greg Abbott today invited all Texans to celebrate the important role small businesses play in job creation in communities throughout the state as he issued a proclamation officially designating May 2–6, 2022 as Small Business Week in Texas.
"An amazing 99.8% of businesses in the Lone Star State are small businesses, and they drive our state's booming economy," said Governor Abbott. "Already home to three million small businesses that employ nearly half of the Texas workforce, our state is focused on developing an environment where entrepreneurs have the freedom to aspire, grow, and prosper. Men and women willing to take a risk, to dig deep into their own pockets and stake their future on an idea, have long written the story of Texas. That pioneering spirit still fuels our shared prosperity today. As we celebrate 2022 Small Business Week in Texas, I look forward to continue working with small businesses and communities in every region of the state to ensure they have the tools needed to succeed. When small businesses succeed in Texas, all Texans succeed.”
The Governor's Office of Small Business Assistance in the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism serves as a focal point in the state for start-ups and small businesses of all sizes in urban, suburban, and rural communities, offering a variety of services for Texas entrepreneurs looking to start, strengthen, and grow their business in the state, including:
- Start a Business in 7 Steps
- Governor’s Small Business Handbook
- Governor’s Small Business Resource Portal (including new permit and licenses feature)
- Texas Business Licenses & Permits Guide
- Governor’s Small Business Webinar Library
- The Governor’s Small Business Series, providing Texas small business owners and entrepreneurs the opportunity to network with other business owners and meet experts who can share timely, relevant, actionable advice on a multitude of small business topics at in-person workshops across the state, kicks off in El Paso, May 5 (details here.) Other upcoming cities and date: Fort Worth, June 9; Kilgore, June 23; Waco, July 21; Lubbock, August 25; Laredo, September 22; South Padre Island, October 6; Kerrville, October 27; Corsicana, November 10; and Bryan-College Station, December 8.
- For more information, visit
WATCH: Governor Abbott's Message During 2022 Small Business Week In Texas.
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