TEDC Announces Board Chair, New Board Members and Election of Board Treasurer

14 Oct 2020
Release provided by TEDC
For more information contact: Mr. Carlton Schwab President/CEO Texas Economic Development Council (512) 480-8432 carlton@texasedc.org
The Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) at its Board Meeting on October 9th, 2020, recognized Greg Sims, President, Greenville Economic Development Corporation, as the 2021 Chair of the Board of Directors. Greg will serve as board chair effective October 9, 2020, through October 15, 2021. He has been a member of the TEDC’s Executive Committee since 2017.
The TEDC’s Nominating Committee put forth the six individuals for election to the TEDC’s board of directors. The TEDC’s board officially elected these new board members for terms beginning October 9, 2020: Susan Cates, City of Brenham; Gayle Cooper, Gun Barrel City Economic Development Corporation; James Gentry, Crockett Economic Development Corporation; Chester Jenke, New Braunfels EDC; Tommy Kurtz, Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation and Matt Prochaska, Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation.
Kent Sharp, President, Sherman Economic Development Corporation, was elected as Board Treasurer and is now in the rotation to be a future board chair of the Texas Economic Development Council.
The following board members were re-elected for another two-year term beginning October 9, 2020: Diana Blank-Torres, City of Kyle; Kevin Holzbog, Lubbock Economic Development Alliance; Lance LaCour, Katy Area Economic Development Council; Scott Livingston, City of League City; William Myers, Denison Development Alliance; and Danielle Scheiner, Conroe Economic Development Council.
The following board members whose terms expired October 9, 2020, were recognized for their board leadership: Kevin Carter, Amarillo Economic Development Corporation; Lisa Denton, Palestine Economic Development Corporation; Thom Lambert, Decatur Economic Development Corporation; Arthur Mann, Hillsboro Economic Development Corporation; Misty Mayo, Development Corporation of Abilene.
About the TEDC
The Texas Economic Development Council is governed by a 24-member board and an 8- member Executive Committee.
The TEDC provides information, education and legislative services to its members to foster the expansion of existing businesses, the location of new firms and the development of strategies that promote a positive business climate in Texas. With 850 members, the TEDC is the largest state economic development association in the nation.
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