HCC launches new initiative showcasing in-demand occupations and accelerated certificate programs
21 May 2020
Houston Community College (HCC) has launched a new initiative, JobsNowHouston.org, showcasing in-demand occupations and the accelerated certificate programs offered by HCC needed to obtain these jobs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced more than 1.5 million Texans to file for unemployment. However, across the state, nearly 481,000 job openings have been posted in the last several months. The focus of this initiative is to let Houstonians know that there are jobs available right now, and encourage them to come train at HCC for in-demand industries, such as healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, information technology, and construction.
HCC has 270 certifications and 100 instructional programs in these fields; many of which are offered online or in hybrid delivery models designed to safely train Houston’s future workforce.
We are all in this together to get Houstonians back to work and our economy going again. Visit our website JobsNowHouston.org to learn more and get the training you need today!
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